
Brian Dougherty was asked, "What patent are you most proud of?"
Brian dropped his head and said, "That's easy."
He shared the story of holding a 5-year-old boy on his lap. As a baby, the boy had a type of tumor that was removed using a device Brian helped design. Brian has his name on over 30 patents, many of which are medical tools.
It wasn't a challenge to find the right person to teach the CEO key concepts of trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Brian Dougherty with Rose Hulman Ventures is very knowledgeable--especially in the area of patents.
Brian's knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering makes him quite invaluable. He admits that he has learned a lot from the medical professionals he has teamed up with. He brings his knowledge to the table and they bring theirs. Together, they take a problem and look for a solution.
That, he recognized, is entrepreneurial thinking at its core.
Brian said, "Always chase the tough nut to crack." He explained that a lot goes into the design and engineering of a product. Starting with the biggest challenges are the place to focus. The other details will fit around that.
Brian is a board member of Vigo County CEO. He is great at bringing his problem-solving projection-mindedness to the program.
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