This month, 100.7 Mix FM is talking about all of the different ways women small business owners and leaders benefit our community and the world around us. Did you know…
--There are over 13 million women-owned businesses in the United States, employing 9.4 million workers and generating revenue of $1.9 trillion.
--There are 116 Women’s Business Centers that supported 150,000 women last year, helping their businesses make 1.7 billion dollars and creating 17,000 jobs.
--50 percent of women small business owners are women of color.
In 2012, 44 percent of women small business owners also had children under the age of 18 in their household. That means, by supporting women-owned businesses, you’re also supporting families.
In 1972, women only owned 4.6% of all businesses in the United States. Now women own 42% of businesses in the United States.
There are 114% more women entrepreneurs than there were 20 years ago.
October 1988 marks the anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s signing of H.R. 5050, which is the Women’s Business Ownership Act. This legislation increased federal support of women-owned businesses and made it easier for female entrepreneurs to get working capital, business training, and assistance.
Prior to this bill being signed into law, some states required women to have a male family member co-sign on their business loan applications.
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